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The themed performance
Five Categories of Noh and Chokun Part 5: Dojoji and Shushin-Kaneiri
「能の五番 朝薫の五番」第5回「道成寺」と「執心鐘入」

Appearance · Music · Card

Kousuke Sayama "Kai entrance"
Noh "Dōjōji" (Bokurakuji) Hara western Japanese


Together with Noh and Kousasu specified as UNESCO's "World Intangible Heritage". I will perform a dance together with Noh for 5 years.
In the fifth round, Hosho Kazuhide and Yoshikazu Sahabe compete as expected to be responsible for the future Nohgaku / Koma. Performed the famous Noh "Dōjyoji" famous as Omagari and the gangbang "Konjiri enthusiast" which is related to it. Noh theater "Human national treasure" Okura Genjiro, Kimono music song Sanshin's "Human national treasure" Nishiee Yoshiharu, "Human national treasure" of a gang taiko drum Hika Sora appeared.
Please enjoy the luxurious program suitable for the final round.

Release information

Release from noon on Saturday, November 10,

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Event and ticketing information

  • Location Yokohama Noh Theater(Kanagawa Yokohama)
    横浜能楽堂 本舞台(神奈川県 横浜市)
  • Date 2019/02/09(Sat) 14:00
  • Price 8,000 JPY ~ 10,000 JPY(tax included)
  • Contact Yokohama Noh Theater
    TEL: 045-263-3055 (Only in Japanese.)
  • Organizer
  • Period of Sale 2018/11/10(Sat) 12:00 ~ 2019/02/08(Fri) 23:59

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Past related ticket List

  • The 39th Yokohama Kamon-yama Noh
  • 70th Yokohama Noh
  • Barrier-free Noh
  • Themed performance Noh actoress "UZAWA Hisa"
  • Noh Masterpiece Never Makes You Fall Asleep

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