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The 68th Yokohama Noh
第68回 横浜能

Appearance / song / card

Kyogen "Mitsuzaemon" (Izumi style) Man Nomura
Noh "Tomo" (Kita style) Kunio Nakamura


Yokohama Noh has been held for half a century by the Yokohama Noh Theater Federation, which is a group of Noh lovers in the city, since the first one was held in 1953, and this is the 68th time.
Kyogen is Man Nomura of the Izumi style, who plays "Mitsuzaemon", which is a lively and gorgeous Fukakusa festival by himself, and Noh is the only song in the Noh play that depicts the battle of samurai. We will send "Tomoe" at the Kita style Kunio Nakamura's shite.

Release information

Released from noon on Saturday, March 13, 3rd year of Reiwa

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Event and ticketing information

  • Location Yokohama Noh Theater(Kanagawa Yokohama)
    横浜能楽堂 本舞台(神奈川県 横浜市)
  • Date 2021/06/05(Sat) 14:00
  • Price 3,500 JPY ~ 4,500 JPY(tax included)
  • Contact Yokohama Noh Theater
    TEL: 045-263-3055 (Only in Japanese.)
  • Organizer
  • Period of Sale 2021/03/13(Sat) 12:00 ~ 2021/06/04(Fri) 23:59

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Past related ticket List

  • The 39th Yokohama Kamon-yama Noh
  • 70th Yokohama Noh
  • Barrier-free Noh
  • Themed performance Noh actoress "UZAWA Hisa"
  • Noh Masterpiece Never Makes You Fall Asleep

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