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New-audience focused performance

Appearance / song / card

Commentary Takashi Kawase
Kyogen "Daiwaka" (Izumi school) Ukon Miyake
Noh "Kurozuka" (Hosho style) Norimasa Takahashi


We will hold a performance of Noh and Kyogen with commentary that even beginners can enjoy.
Kyogen is a funny depiction of a monk who cannot read the sutras because the sound of the kagura danced by a shrine maiden who is not in business is noisy. Noh will perform Noh "Kurozuka", which depicts the loneliness and anger of a demon, set in Mutsu and Adachihara. On the day of the event, explanations in Japanese and English for smartphones and tablets will also be delivered. It is a performance that even beginners and foreigners can enjoy.

Release information

Released at noon on Saturday, November 13, 3rd year of Reiwa

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Event and ticketing information

  • Location Yokohama Noh Theater(Kanagawa Yokohama)
    横浜能楽堂 本舞台(神奈川県 横浜市)
  • Date 2022/02/26(Sat) 14:00
  • Price 3,500 JPY ~ 4,500 JPY(tax included)
  • Contact Yokohama Noh Theater
    TEL: 045-263-3055 (Only in Japanese.)
  • Organizer
  • Period of Sale 2021/11/13(Sat) 12:00 ~ 2022/02/25(Fri) 23:59

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Past related ticket List

  • The 39th Yokohama Kamon-yama Noh
  • 70th Yokohama Noh
  • Barrier-free Noh
  • Themed performance Noh actoress "UZAWA Hisa"
  • Noh Masterpiece Never Makes You Fall Asleep

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