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"BG+", led by Boris Grebenshikov, known by his nickname BG (БГ), the leader of the legendary band "Aquarium", which has always been a symbol of the times since the Soviet era, will visit Japan for the first time in November 2024. Grebenshikov stopped his activities in Russia in opposition to the invasion of Ukraine that began in February 2022. Seven new members of Aquarium have formed "BG+" and are continuing their world tour in hopes of peace. At the concerts to be held in Tokyo and Kyoto, BG+'s new songs and many of Aquarium's long-loved classics will be performed.

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Boris Grebenshikov BG+ Japan Tour 2024 - TOKYO
ボリス・グレベンシコフ BG+ 東京公演 2024(TOKYO)


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November 2024, Boris Grebenshchikov Boris Grebenshikov, known by his nickname BG (БГ), is the leader of the legendary rock band "Aquarium," which has been active since the Soviet era. In 2022, he launched a new band, "BG+," and has been touring mainly in Europe and the United States. At the concerts to be held in Tokyo and Kyoto this fall, BG+'s new songs and Aquarium's classic songs will be performed. .

In 1972, while studying at Leningrad University, Boris Grebenshchikov and his friends formed a rock band called Aquarium, which would go on to become one of the most popular bands in the country.

Under the Soviet regime, rock musicians sang about a variety of themes, including social oppression, feelings of stagnation, generational conflict, war, faith, love, and friendship, and gained enthusiastic support from young people. Forced to work alone, they recorded their own songs onto magnetic tape, which were then dubbed onto cassette tapes by fans and spread throughout the Soviet Union, becoming a social phenomenon. Among them, Aquarium was extremely popular, and in 1987, during the Perestroika era, the state-run record company Melodiya released the first unofficial band album, "Aquarium." . His unique style, which combines meaningful lyrics that inherit the traditions of Russian poetry with various musical elements from around the world, and his great social influence, attracted the attention of famous musicians in the West, and in 1989, he Grebenshikov released Radio Silence, the first album by a Soviet rock musician to be released on a Western label, produced by Dave Stewart (Eurythmics). It was also released in Japan by CBS Sony and became a hot topic. Even after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the band continued to be active both domestically and internationally as one of Russia's leading rock bands, and in 2022 they celebrated their 50th anniversary. On February 24 of that year, Russian troops began their invasion of Ukraine. Grebenshchikov immediately In protest against the war, Aquarium canceled the commemorative tour and went on hiatus. After that, seven members of Aquarium formed a new band called "BG+" and resumed their musical activities based in London. He continues his concert tour with prayers for peace.


And this fall, the full lineup of "BG+" will finally come to Japan. Come share your thoughts for peace and enjoy the power of song and the overwhelming performance that has captivated audiences for over 50 years.


В ноябре 2024 года Борис Гребенщиков и БГ+ приезжают в Японию!!

На концертах в Токио и Киото прозвучат и новые композиции БГ+, и классика ума"

В 1972 году ещё студентим -группу. ярных групп в стране.

Рок-музыканты в СССР пели о социальном гнете, войне, вере, любви, дружбе и многих других темах, что привлекало молодежь. Музыкантам приходилось работать подпольно, записывать песни на магнитную ленту, которую затем поклонники дублировали на кассеты и распространяли по Советскому Союзу. Влияние настолько мощным, что Группа "Аквариум" пользовалась особой популярностью. В 1987 году в разгар перестройки государственная звукозаписывающая компания Мелодия впервые официально выпустила грампластинку "Аква риум".

Такой стиль и резонанс группы привлекли внимание известных западных музыкантов. В 1989 году вышел первый альбом на западном лейбле - "Radio Silence", продюсером выступил Дэйв Стюарт(Dave Stewart , Eurythmics). Альбом также был выпущен в Японии на лейбле CBS Sony и привлек большое внимание.

После "Аквариум" продолжал выступать как внутри страны, так и за г 2022 году группа отметила 50-летие. кие войска начали вторжение в Украину. Гребенщиков сразу же заявил об антивоенной позиции, отменил юбилейный тур и приостановил концерты "Аквариума". зыканты продолжают выпускать мини-альбомы и давать ★BG+ official homepage< strong>

★Member  Состав группы 

Борис Гребенщиков / гитара, вокал, автор песен
Александр Титов / бас-гитара
Константин Туманов / клавишные, аккордеон
Брайан Финнеган / tin whistle, флейта
Лиам Брэдли / ударные
< span style="font-size:14px;color:rgb(33,37,41);background-color:rgb(255,255,255);">Глеб Гребенщиков / перкуссия
Андрей Surotimovo / sculpting


Boris Grebenshchikov

Alexander Titov (Base)

Konstantin Tumanov (Keyboard, Accordion)

After graduating from the St. Petersburg Conservatory, he joined "Aquarium" in 2018. His young and rich talent is expanding the band's musicality.

Brian Finnegan (Whistle, Flute)

Originally from Ireland. A leading figure in Celtic music, he frequently visits Japan as the frontman of the popular Irish instrumental band "FLOOK."

Liam Blood Lee (Drums) /p>

One of Ireland's top drummers. He has participated in tours and albums by Van Morrison, Sinead O'Connor, Mary Black, Ronan Keating, and others.

Gleb Grebenshikov (Percussion)

He joined "Aquarium" as a percussionist. He plays a variety of percussion instruments. He is the son of Boris Grebenshchikov and is also active as a DJ.

Andrey Slodinov (Violin)Photo by Valentine Zhmodikov

◆ Original Aquarium/BG+ goods will be on sale in the lobby of each venue from 17:30. (Image is for illustrative purposes only.) ◆ The Aquarium/BG+ main event will begin at 17:30. (The main event will be held from 17:30.)


Aquarium Аквариум  - Месть Королевы Анны ( Official Video ) 


BG+  БГ+ Album “Новый Шелковый Путь / New Silk Road”


Boris GrebenshchikovBoris Grebenshchikov "Dubrowskii"


Aquarium Aviation short film "Ivanov" (1982) Korotkometrázny film "Ivanov" in HD 1982


Aquarium  Akvarium "Golden City" movie "Assa" theme song


Organizer: BG+ Japan Tour Office (Office Denden Co., Ltd.)

Production cooperation: Zero Base Co., Ltd.

Part of this page is translated by machine translation API.
You can see the original information(Japanese).

Event and ticketing information

  • Location Koyo-ku Culture Center, Hall
    Access »
  • Date 2024/11/19(Tue) 18:30
  • Price 9,000 JPY ~ 18,000 JPY(tax included)
  • Contact BG+ Japan Tour Administrative Office
    TEL: 080-5738-6122 (Only in Japanese.)
  • Organizer
  • Period of Sale 2024/07/29(Mon) 10:00 ~ 2024/11/19(Tue) 17:30

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