第39回倉敷音楽祭日本の太鼓 -
Yasushi Yamabe, Kurashiki Tenryo Taiko
overview A new type of entertainment combining taiko drums and traditional performing arts
A creative stage performance from Kurashiki, brought to you by Japan's leading taiko drummer, Yasutsugu Yamabe, together with Kurashiki Tenryo Taiko. Enjoy this innovative performance, created by combining taiko drums and traditional performing arts with modern direction.
[Members first] December 13th (Friday)
[General release] December 20th (Friday)
You can see the original information(Japanese).
Event and ticketing information
Location 倉敷市民会館 ホール(岡山県 倉敷市)
Date 2025/03/09(Sun) 16:30
Price 1,000 JPY ~ 2,000 JPY(tax included)
Contact アルスくらしきチケットセンター
TEL: 086-434-0010 (Only in Japanese.)
Period of Sale 2024/12/20(Fri) 09:00 ~ 2025/03/08(Sat) 23:59
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