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[Rolling vine]
Norika Suzuki, Yuko Kikunagi, Mako Aoki, Nanako Takakura, Doju Kasahara


・Ryukyu folk song suite/Yutaka Makino
・Spring Sea / Michio Miyagi
・Sakura Variations/Michio Miyagi
・Three Ballads about Hida / Katsutoshi Nagasawa
*Please note that the schedule may change due to unforeseen circumstances.


"Tsurukororin" was formed by five performers who graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts, majoring in koto and shakuhachi, including Suzuki Senpo, who is from Kurashiki City. The name of the group is a play on the "tsuru" and "kororin" sounds of the koto and the "tsu", "ru", and "kororin" sounds of the shakuhachi. The five performers, who are active not only in performance but also in workshops to convey the charm and fun of the instrument, will deliver a casual and enjoyable koto concert.

Release Information

[Members first] December 13th (Friday)
[General release] December 20th (Friday)

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Event and ticketing information

  • Location 倉敷市芸文館 アイシアター(岡山県 倉敷市)
  • Date 2025/03/10(Mon) 18:00
  • Price 1,000 JPY(tax included)
  • Contact アルスくらしきチケットセンター
    TEL: 086-434-0010 (Only in Japanese.)
  • Organizer
  • Period of Sale 2024/12/20(Fri) 09:00 ~ 2025/03/09(Sun) 23:59

Recommended related ticket list

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  • 日本の太鼓

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