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  • NEW



TAIRIK (violin, viola) / SUGURU (piano) / KENTA (violin)


A miraculous ensemble of violin and piano that brings smiles to the faces of the world

They have performed on over 700 stages not only in Japan but also in Europe, the US, and Asia, attracting over 500,000 audience members. Their CD releases have consistently topped the classical music charts. Their music, which is their roots in classical music, as well as a wide range of genres such as film music, jazz, and pop, is transformed into unique songs through versatile arrangements such as "time-saving" and "mixing." They perform unpredictable stages with original songs in various styles such as suites and choruses.

Release Information

[Members first] December 13th (Friday)
[General release] December 20th (Friday)

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Event and ticketing information

  • Location 倉敷市芸文館 ホール(岡山県 倉敷市)
  • Date 2025/03/11(Tue) 18:00
  • Price 500 JPY ~ 5,000 JPY(tax included)
  • Contact アルスくらしきチケットセンター
    TEL: 086-434-0010 (Only in Japanese.)
  • Organizer
  • Period of Sale 2024/12/20(Fri) 09:00 ~ 2025/03/10(Mon) 23:59

Recommended related ticket list

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  • coba × 檜山学 The 2 Accordions
  • 音楽の絵本 コンアモーレ

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