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Shunjuza Opera No. 9
Two acts of opera "Butterfly Masters"

Appearance · Music · Card

Cast: (W Cast) 3 (Sat) | 4 (Sun) Mrs. Butterfly: Kawagoe Toshiko | Fujii Yasuko Pin Carton: Yuta Ino | Massimiliano Missapia Sharpless: Tsurukawa Katsuya | Katagiri Naoki Suzuki: Okamura Akiko | Masami Hayashi | Aichi Tomoe ■ Chorus: Miramare · Opera Choir ■ Performance: Miramare Chamber Orchestra (Miramare Chamber Orchestra)

Performed popular in 2013 G. Puccini composed opera "Butterfly Masters" in a new production. I will draw a butterfly's love by the unique performance of the Kabuki stage in Shunjuza. It is an immortal masterpiece opera that you can hear everywhere in the famous Aria "A sunny day", "House of farewell love" and Japanese-born melodies.

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Event and ticketing information

  • Location 京都芸術劇場 春秋座(京都造形芸術大学内)(京都府 京都市)
  • Date 2018/11/03(Sat) ~ 2018/11/04(Sun)
  • Price 3,000 JPY ~ 10,000 JPY(tax included)
  • Contact 京都芸術劇場チケットセンター
    TEL: 075-791-8240 (Only in Japanese.)

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