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Appearance / Song / Card

From “Saihime” Ah, is that him? From flowers to flowers, a toast song
From Seville's Barber
From La Boheme, bring your cold hand back to that place where my name was Mimi and I was happy
It's really over (4 singing)
Revenge of revenge from “Magic Flute”, happiness of love disappeared, dad
On a sunny day from Mrs. Butterfly, Farewell to Love House
From "Carmen" Love is a wild bird (Habanera), a bullfighter's song, a good story (5 doubles), a flower song
* The song is subject to change


■ Performance: Kyoto Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra (planned)
■ Appearance:
Soprano: Jie Inamori / Futami Eguchi / Toko Kawagoe / Yuu Takashima / Toshimi Namikawa / Mayuko Nishida
Meso Soprano: Reiko Okamura / Chiga Miwa
Tenor: Kota Ito / Hiroaki Fueda * / Toshiaki Murakami * / Shinya Yamamoto
Baritone: Satoshi Okumura / Naoki Katagiri / Katsuya Tsurukawa
* ... Toshiaki Murakami only during the daytime performance, Hiroaki Fueda only during the nighttime performance

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Event and ticketing information

  • Location 京都芸術劇場 春秋座(京都造形芸術大学内)(京都府 京都市)
  • Date 2019/09/21(Sat)
  • Price 2,000 JPY ~ 6,500 JPY(tax included)
  • Contact 京都芸術劇場チケットセンター
    TEL: 075-791-8240 (Only in Japanese.)

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Past related ticket List

  • 鼓童 ワン・アース・ツアー2019「道」
  • 壮一帆&京フィル プレジャーコンサートin春秋座
  • 吉田兄弟「三味線だけの世界」
  • Maki Ichiro & Kyo Phil Shining Concert in Shunjuza
  • 鼓童十二月特別公演2024「山踏み」

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