Anirdu Nayar, Chandra Neenatham, Akira Takeda
Overview A theatrical work that Shankar Venkateswaran, an internationally active director based in Kerala, South India, and Nagara Wada, an active director based in Kyoto, challenge through their first joint production. World premiere.
Languages: Japanese, English, Kannada *With Japanese subtitles
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Event and ticketing information
Location 京都芸術劇場 春秋座(京都芸術大学内)(京都府 京都市)
Date 2022/12/10(Sat) ~ 2022/12/11(Sun)
Price 2,500 JPY ~ 3,500 JPY(tax included)
Contact 京都芸術劇場チケットセンター
TEL: 075-791-8240 (Only in Japanese.)
Organizer Kyoto Art Theater