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Kuroemon Katayama (Kanze-ryu Shite-kata)
Kitamari (choreographer)
Fumio Amano (Professor Emeritus, Osaka University)

■ Kyogen “Kakure Tanuki”
Shite (Taro crowner): Mansaku Nomura, Ad (main): Mansai Nomura

■Noh “Sotoba Komachi Once Upon a Time”
Shite (Ono Komachi): Tetsunojo Kanze
Waki (Koyasan monk): Tsunezo Hosho Wakitsure (servant monk): Yoshihiro Tateda
Flute: Manabu Takeichi, small drum: Genjiro Okura, large drum: Hirotada Kamei
Guardianship: Michiyoshi Aoki, Shingo Katayama
Local songs: Kuroemon Katayama, Masakuni Furuhashi, Gen Yori, Michiharu Bunbayashi, Atsuo Kanze, Tadaki Hashimoto, Yoshihiro Umeda, Takayasu Ando

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You can see the original information(Japanese).

Event and ticketing information

  • Location 京都芸術劇場 春秋座(京都芸術大学内)(京都府 京都市)
  • Date 2024/02/03(Sat) 14:00
  • Price 2,500 JPY ~ 7,500 JPY(tax included)
  • Contact 京都芸術劇場チケットセンター
    TEL: 075-791-8240 (Only in Japanese.)

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Past related ticket List

  • 春秋座ー能と狂言
  • 神田伯山 独演会
  • 春風亭一之輔×桂二葉 二人会 2024
  • クリスチャン・リゾー『D'après une histoire vraie-本当にあった話から』
  • 新翔 春秋会

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