2024年度前期前半(全7回)公開連続講座 日本芸能史 【大地母神信仰と芸能・芸道】
Public Lecture Series: History of Japanese Performing Arts [Earth Mother Goddess Belief and Performing Arts]
First half of the first term (7 sessions in total): April 15th to June 3rd, 2024
Every Monday 15:40-17:20 (doors open 15:10)
This popular series of lectures is coordinated by Kyoto University of Arts Professor Akiko Taguchi (Kabuki researcher).
Each time, we invite a lecturer who is active at the forefront of a particular performing art or a researcher to give a talk, sometimes accompanied by a demonstration.
You can see the original information(Japanese).
Event and ticketing information
Location 京都芸術劇場 春秋座(京都芸術大学内)(京都府 京都市)
Date 2024/04/15(Mon) ~ 2024/06/03(Mon)
Price 8,000 JPY(tax included)
Contact 京都芸術劇場チケットセンター
TEL: 075-791-8240 (Only in Japanese.)
Organizer Kyoto Art Theater