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Cast, Songs, Cards

<Produced by>
Tsuka Kohei

Suzuki Matsuo

Shusaku Kamikawa, Haru Kasamatsu, Yusuke Shoji, Ryohei Higashino, Moeka Suematsu, Terumi Matsuura, Hyouma Yamakawa (guitar)


The director is Suzuki Matsuo, who is the founder of Otona Keikaku and artistic director of Theatre Cocoon, and who took up the position of professor at the Kyoto University of Arts Performing Arts Research Center in 2023.
"Kamata March" is a timeless masterpiece by Tsuka Kohei. It won the 15th Kinokuniya Theater Award in 1980. It was later made into a novel and a movie, with the novel winning the 86th Naoki Prize and the movie winning numerous awards in the film industry, including the 6th Japan Academy Prize.
Please look forward to seeing how Suzuki Matsuo will direct Tsuka Kohei's work.

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Event and ticketing information

  • Location 京都芸術劇場 春秋座(京都芸術大学内)(京都府 京都市)
  • Date 2024/10/19(Sat) ~ 2024/10/20(Sun)
  • Price 3,000 JPY ~ 5,500 JPY(tax included)
  • Contact 京都芸術劇場チケットセンター
    TEL: 075-791-8240 (Only in Japanese.)

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Past related ticket List

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  • 演じる高校生
  • ヴィクトリア

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