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This ticket is an advance ticket without a design.
If you would like to purchase advance tickets with designs, please purchase them from a separate page.

■ Date and time
Date and time: April 19th (Sat) - May 25th (Sun), 2025
Time: 9:30-17:00 (entry until 16:30)
*Last day open until 16:00 (entry until 15:30)
*Closed on Monday, April 28th and Monday, May 12th

■ Ticket price (advance price)
Adults/University Students: 1,500 yen
Elementary school, junior high school, and high school students: 1,000 yen

*Group admission is available at the advance ticket price. In that case, please contact us in advance or purchase tickets at the venue on the day.
Additionally, groups of 20 or more will be considered a group.
* Free for preschool children and younger, but must be accompanied by a guardian.
* Discounts for people with disabilities are half price of same-day tickets (one accompanying person is free), and are only available at the venue counter on the day of the event.
You will need to bring various certificates (copies are acceptable).

■ Venue
Aomori Museum of Art Community Gallery

Aomori Venue Secretariat
TEL: 017-718-0156 (※Only from 9:30 to 17:00 during the exhibition period, excluding closed days)

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You can see the original information(Japanese).

Event and ticketing information

  • Location 青森県立美術館 コミュニティギャラリー(青森県 青森市)
  • Date 2025/04/19(Sat) ~ 2025/05/25(Sun)
  • Price 1,000 JPY ~ 1,500 JPY(tax included)
  • Contact リンクステーション イベント事務局
    TEL: 017-718-5544 (Only in Japanese.)
  • Organizer
  • Period of Sale 2025/03/08(Sat) 00:00 ~ 2025/04/18(Fri) 23:59

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Past related ticket List

  • サンエックス90周年「うちのコたちの大展覧会」 当日券(デザインなし)
  • EVANGELION CROSSING EXPO ―エヴァンゲリオン大博覧会―当日券(デザイン無し)
  • 第70回青森花火大会
  • 令和6年 青森ねぶた祭観覧席券
  • 令和6年 弘前ねぷたまつり

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