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"THE MIRACLE WORKER" Annie Sullivan and Helen Keller.
Two women tied with a fate unlikely to escape and their family surrounding them.
Love and trust, fighting and rebirth.
This is a drama of people who fight themselves.


Keller family in Alabama. Captain Arthur Keller (Toru Masuoka) and his wife Kate (Noriko Eguchi) are watching carefully on the baby bed. Helen Keller, a one and a half year old daughter (Rio Suzuki) gave a fever. Helen finally felt relieved and reassured, Helen did not respond at all to sound or light ... ....

It's been five years since then. Since then, Helen is alive, I can not hear it, I am living in a talkative world. And Helen who was spoiled and raised is therefore selfish. My family can not do anything like Helen acting like a tyrant. As such, the story of helen's tutor comes in beneath the Boston-Perkins school student Annie Sullivan (Mitsuki Takahata). Annie who has lived a solitary and poor environment to 20 years old, although it was a job of doomedness, tried to boldly challenge the work got for the first time in order to achieve the goal of independence life.

Annie who arrived at the Keller family by taking the train all the way. Arthur, and Helen's brother-in-law James (Kenta Suga) are doubtful about young tutoring, but only Kate hopes Annie. And when Annie and Helen first met. Helen approaches Annie and explores its whole body by hand. It was the start of the two fights ......

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Event and ticketing information

  • Location 東京芸術劇場 プレイハウス(東京都)(東京都 豊島区)
    Access »
  • Date 2019/04/13(Sat) ~ 2019/04/29(Mon)
  • Price 9,000 JPY(tax included)
  • Contact ホリプロチケットセンター
    TEL: 03-3490-4949 (Only in Japanese.)
  • Organizer Horipro Stage
  • Period of Sale 2018/12/08(Sat) 10:00 ~ 2019/04/23(Tue) 23:59

Recommended related ticket list

  • TESSENKAI Regular Performance in April
  • 第三回 神谷町小歌舞伎
  • TESSENKAI Regular Performance in May
  • Aoyama Noh in May
  • 落語と花街 芸の宝石箱

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