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Dance Speaks
Dance Speaks

Production work

"Western symphony"
Choreography: George Balanchin
※ We will use the sound source by special recording

"Green table"
Choreography: Kurt Yos
Piano: Chitose Koike Yuta Yamauchi


Star Dancers Ballet Company


Contemporary ballet double building including shock work "Green table" that will be replayed since 2005!
"Green table" premiered in 1932 is a historical work by Kurt · José created on the theme of "anti war". The painful message that this work releases is never faded even after more than 80 years have passed since the premiere.
What does dance talk about? In Japan, please enjoy a double gem of a gem which can enjoy the breadth of physical expression by two works which only Star Dancers / Ballet Company has in repertoire.

Release information

December 18 (Tue) 10:00 General release
SDB Friends Pre-ordering December 11 (Tue) - 13 (Thu)

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Event and ticketing information

  • Location Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre(Tokyo Toshima)
    東京芸術劇場 プレイハウス(東京都 豊島区)
    Access »
  • Date 2019/03/30(Sat) ~ 2019/03/31(Sun)
  • Price 2,000 JPY ~ 8,000 JPY(tax included)
    TEL: 03-3401-2293 (Only in Japanese.)
  • Period of Sale 2018/12/18(Tue) 10:00 ~ 2019/03/29(Fri) 23:30

Recommended related ticket list

  • TESSENKAI Regular Performance in April
  • 第三回 神谷町小歌舞伎
  • TESSENKAI Regular Performance in May
  • Aoyama Noh in May
  • 落語と花街 芸の宝石箱

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    Past related ticket List

  • Dance Speaks 'The Green Table' 'Western Symphony'

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