Dance Speaks2022
Performance work
▶ Serenade
Choreography: George Balanchine
Music: PI Tchaikovsky “Serenade for Strings”
Direction and choreography guidance: Ben Hughes
▶ Malasangre (Japan premiere, co-produced with Sadamatsu and Hamada Ballet)
Choreography: Caetano Soto
Music: La Lupe
Direction and choreography guidance: Mikiko Arai
▶ Green table
Music: Fritz A. Cohen
Script / Choreography: Kurt Jooss
Art: Hein Heckros
Mask / Lighting: Herman Marcard
Stage guidance: Janet Vondelsar
Piano: Chitose Koike, Yuta Yamauchi
Conductor: Yoshikazu Tanaka
Orchestra: Teatro Giglio Showa Orchestra
Piano: Chitose Koike
Star Dancers Ballet Company
Release information General release: Wednesday, December 15th 10:00
SDB Friends Pre-sale: December 10th (Fri) -13th (Mon)
You can see the original information(Japanese).
Event and ticketing information
Location 東京芸術劇場 プレイハウス(補助席有)(東京都 豊島区)
Date 2022/03/26(Sat) ~ 2022/03/27(Sun)
Price 2,500 JPY ~ 8,000 JPY(tax included)
Contact (公財)スターダンサーズ・バレエ団
TEL: 03-3401-2293 (Only in Japanese.)
Period of Sale 2021/12/15(Wed) 10:00 ~ 2022/03/27(Sun) 23:59
Not the period of sale