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20th anniversary of opening
Bernstein "Candide" (concert format)
Saturday, March 13, 2021
Doors open 14:00 Starts 15:00 Large hall
General: 7,000 yen Tomo no Kai: 6,500 yen
* Preschool children are not admitted

Bernstein's masterpiece "Candide" will be staged by Satoshi Taoshita, who has worked on numerous opera musicals! A special stage only for Humming Hall, which casts gorgeous soloists and popular voice actors.

Organizer: Higashiyamato Civic Center Humming Hall

* If you apply for two or more seats without specifying a seat, you will be warned that you will be leaving the seat instead of multiple seats, but please proceed as it is and be sure to check the reserved seat number before purchasing.

* Please be sure to read the notes *

* Refunds other than cancellation or postponement of the performance will not be accepted. Please note.

・ This performance will be sold one seat at a time, but due to the situation, additional seats will be sold. Thank you for your understanding before purchasing.

・ Please wear a mask and cooperate with infection prevention measures when you come to the venue.

・ The event may be canceled due to circumstances.

Release information

Telephone / Internet [Friends' Association] 1/8 (Fri), [General] 1/9 (Sat)
Counter [General / Friends Association] 1/10 (Sun)
* Please see the Official Site for details.

* If you would like a wheelchair seat, please call us.
Higashiyamato Civic Center Humming Hall 042-590-4414 (9: 00-17: 00)

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You can see the original information(Japanese).

Event and ticketing information

  • Location 東大和市民会館ハミングホール 大ホール(東京都 東大和市)
  • Date 2021/03/13(Sat) 15:00
  • Price 7,000 JPY(tax included)
  • Contact 東大和市民会館 ハミングホール
    TEL: 042-590-4414 (Only in Japanese.)
  • Organizer
  • Period of Sale 2021/01/09(Sat) 09:00 ~ 2021/03/11(Thu) 23:00

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