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全国梅酒まつり in 東京2024

Event Overview

Tasting and comparing over 120 types of "umeshu" made by sake breweries all over Japan

[Venue] Yushima Tenmangu Shrine (Tokyo)
[Event period] Friday, September 20th, 2024 to Monday, September 23rd (holiday)
[Event time] September 20th (Friday) ………12:00-18:00
September 21st (Sat)……11:00-18:00
September 22nd (Sunday/Holiday)…11:00-18:00
September 23rd (Monday, holiday)…11:00-16:00

[Inquiries] Umeshu Research Association General Incorporated Association 03-6228-1183

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Event and ticketing information

  • Location 湯島天満宮(東京都 文京区)
  • Date 2024/09/20(Fri) ~ 2024/09/23(Mon)
  • Price 2,500 JPY ~ 3,200 JPY(tax included)
  • Contact 株式会社リンクステーション イベント事務局
    TEL: 017-718-5544 (Only in Japanese.)
  • Organizer

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